Thursday, 6 August 2009

Dear Friends of Turn Lyme Green
A meeting full of new ideas was held on 8 July and the minutes are attached.
Please note the following dates for your diary and spread the word to your friends and family who you think would like to get involved with TLG events and would like to be kept informed of activities.
Wednesday 2nd September
Next meeting. Please note there will not be a meeting on 12th August (the second Wednesday of the month). With the holidays, it was thought better to wait until September to meet again. Planning for the September and October events is carrying on in the meantime, led by the two project groups - see below.
Saturday 12 September
GO PLASTIC BAG FREE DAY: Ian, Polly and Jacqui are putting together ideas for an event so Lyme Regis will be represented in this nation-wide campaign. At least 28 people will be needed to go on a rota during the day and we will be contacting all of you who have said they would be willing to help out..and probably others too! It is hoped that another sew-in will be held and, with banners about the town on the day, the plan is to remind resident and visitors how important it is to recyle bags and 'bring your bag' when shopping. We hope everyone will rally round and join in the fun.
FARM FOR THE FUTURE: A FILM. The Masonic Hall has been booked for that night to show Rebecca Hosking's film exploring permuculture. An evening not to be missed. Details to follow.
Saturday 24 October
Those at the last meeting were enthusiastic about joining in with the national and international events using a ‘350’ theme. (see – carbon/green house emissions). Hugh, Jacqui, Ian and Fran are forming the project group to make a memorable plan for the day. Watch this space for further news and ideas. Can something be planted 350 times? Can something be done 350 times? Can 350 be 'written' in stones on the beach? Can 350 people come together to form the number 350? Any ideas!!?? do come to the next meeting.
Town Council:
Polly was able to attend the Community Plan Policy Meeting of the Town Council to bring members up to date with TLG plans. There was a positive response to putting up our posters on Town Council bulletin boards and creating links from the web site to our own. All other issues are being followed up.
If you have any questions, do get in touch.
Best wishes for the coming weeks! We will be in touch with you soon to update you on the details of the September and October events.
April Cottage
West Hill Road
Lyme Regis Dorset DT7 3LW
tel/fax 01297 446066
TURN LYME GREEN Ban Plastic Bags

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Hi everyone nice to be back trust you are all well anything to go on here please call me

Dear All

It was great to see so many people at the meeting with Alex Murdin, and I think it was an important opportunity for us to guage his approach as well as for him to gather information about us.

I’ll follow up with the ‘sub committee’, then only contact the you/ wider group via Mark for any major updates etc.

The sub group formed at the meeting last week was myself, Mark, Richard and Ellen; plus Fran (can you confirm, I’m not sure…). Anyone else who’d like to join, please let me know – for example Bob has volunteered, I think, and maybe Paula? It entails helping make decisions about direction and development of the project, and supporting Alex as he needs. It shouldn’t be onerous, and will be mostly by email.

If anyone else has any comments or feedback on the attached notes (taken by Alex), please let me know.



Tel 01297 442472 / 07852 255773

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Invitations to meetings

Transition Town, Live and Interactive!
Thursday, 23rd October: Masonic Hall Lyme Regis: 8-10pm

You are warmly invited to our next exploration of Transition Town: building community resilience in a time of Peak Oil and Global Warming.
Peak oil: talk and activities facilitated by Pete Linnett
Permaculture and Transition Town: with George Sobol
Summary of ideas from the 1st meeting
Hot drinks and chat

Monday, 20 October 2008

Click here for a video on Plastics

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Lyme Regis from the sea.

News from the Turn Lyme Green HQ.

Pride of Place - A chance to commission a piece of Community art with our own theme & influence!
Well, Candida and Mark sat in Sturminster Marshall munching the local bread and cheese, sipping the local apple juice, and trying to chat to some of the folks who had been involved in judging this Pride of Place Award - all elusive...We scanned the shortlist - the others both being Community Orchards. We thought one of them would be bound to win, otherwise why shortlist two?
In trepidation we sat through lengthy presentations and photos of churches and playgrounds in some of the Best Kept Villages...... and finally we found out that Turn Lyme Green won the Pride of Place Award! They will recruit the artist in the next few weeks... If you know any local artists who may be interested, have them contact TLG ASAP!
Also, please let me know whether you would be interested in principle in being part of the artist selection team, and then go forward to work with the artist to design the artwork? (and would be available on the 4th and 25th November for short-listing and interviewing). We can then decide who will represent TLG.
Green Technology Event - You are cordially invited to a 'Green Technology' Event at Bridport Town Hall on Wednesday 29th October.The event is FREE and will enable local sustainable businesses to showcase innovative renewable energy and energy efficiency products and services to members of the public. The day will be organised by Ecos Trust in partnership with the Energy Saving Trust. Following the Exhibition the evening will include workshops for local professionals involved in the building industry. Hannah Lovegrove from TLG will be hosting a stand for 'EcoDeveloper' and we shall carry a report of this event in next months newsletter.
Transition Towns
The Marine Theatre was the venue for the first "Transition Lyme Regis" meeting last Thursday. The Transition is not run by TLG, but very closely supported and facilitated as much as we can. It had some very useful feedback from the floor during the evening, and plenty of interest was shown by those present, as they watched the two short films regarding Peak Oil and Transition Towns. The next meeting is in the Masonic Hall (behind Jalito's in Broad St) on Thurs 23rd October. If you would like to find out more, get involved, or just understand the basics of energy descent, call Fran on 01297 445078.

Transition - Credit Crunch
Following on from Transition Towns really... TLG doesn't do financial advice, but please be very aware of the changes that are going on in the Financial world this week / month / year. Transition is about becoming more resilient to 'energy shocks', we also need to make sure we spend some time thinking about becoming resilient to 'fiscal shocks' too.

Turn Lyme Green's Mission (should we choose to accept it..)
After having a bit of an editorial cut & paste crisis, the TLG mission statement was lost completely to last month's Newletter. Find it here. If you remember, we have previously done some work on what we would like to have as our 'Vision / Mission' - and we would like your feedback for;
Extra scope
Reduced wording
Overall Impact
How well we have done keeping to it, over the past 12 months... etc
We will hopefully discuss this at the next meeting (see below)

Finally, Turn Lyme Green had a mention on Lyme Regis Radio program "Friday Night Live", hosted by Alan Vian and Nomad. These are really good sessions and are recorded for subsequent pod-cast over the 'old inter-web' if you miss them 'live'.
Last Friday, Claire Old from TLG was interviewed, you can hear the program by clicking here.

Next Turn Lyme Green Meeting is this Wed 8th October at 7pm in the LRDT Office. The Minutes of the last meeting are here.

Check the Website.

As always, there is lots more information on the website, and a chance to leave your feedback on the items raised in this month's newsletter.

See you at the TLG meeting on the 8th October (7pm LRDT) !

Mark Jenkin

Turn Lyme Green.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Apologies for any cross postings. NB Transition Towns meeting 2nd October – see below.
First of our new monthly newsletters..

News from the Turn Lyme Green HQ.

From the top..
You may think we’ve gone quiet over the summer, but lots has been going on behind the scenes. Our "Welcome to Lyme Regis" animation film - made by St. Michael’s Primary school - was shown throughout the holidays at the Regent Cinema, and we’ve entered it for a Green Campaigner Award.
We’ve been short-listed for Dorset Pride of Place Award – which would enable us to create public artwork to engage people in environmental issues. We’ve got plans for action on Recycling, Packaging and Home composting, and also on supporting our local economy.
We have ideas for lecture series on Climate Change and low carbon lifestyles…, and much much more!.“

One of TLG's 2008/09 initiatives is to improve the local recycling facilities - One way or another! This is not just about kerbside collections or the (over-successful) green bins on the seafront. It is about getting a co-ordinated approach, so that as much as possible from is recycled and therefore not dumped in landfill.

Authorities have been making efforts, and we applaud this, but we believe WDDC have a responsibility to provide adequate recycling facilities. Local people are clearly demonstrating their willingness to do their part and bring their recycling to the appropriate place.
To suggest that the public are at fault by overfilling bins on occasion, shows a significant misunderstanding of the mood of local people and visitors alike. Since we started the TLG campaign we have seen a huge shift in public opinion. The public have clearly embraced this idea and it’s now up to the district council to take a lead, to accept the reality of the situation and provide adequate facilities. TLG will continue to lobby, organise and plan..

Farmer's Market
As the shops in Lyme Regis selling fresh local produce reduce to well... one(?) we have noticed a pent-up demand for a Farmer's market. Advantages are:
Low Food Miles.
80% of the money spent stays within the area
New producers encouraged to start up - and therefore provide emplyment opportunities for local people.
High Class food, reasonably priced
A more diverse range of produce
Another reason for visitors to ... visit.
To this end, TLG is working on a location, and a schedule for a Market within Lyme. Lots of support, and we await an announcement...

Transition Towns
There are moves afoot locally to explore becoming involved in the Transition Town movement.
There is an open meeting, supported by TLG on the 2nd of October (some local papers have this printed wrongly) at 7pm in the Marine Theatre.
NOTE. This meeting is organised By Fran Fleming (Tel 445078).
There will be a short film with plenty of time to discuss the issues and understand some of the solutions.

You can also read a description of the key points by reading below, or clicking THIS LINK.

Peak Oil Awareness. (from the Transition Website)
World discovery of oil peaked in 1964 and has been declining ever since, despite considerable improvements in technology, and there is no prospect of any significant new large discoveries. We are currently consuming more than 4 barrels of oil for every one discovered.
It is widely believed that we are now approaching World Oil Peak .
Does this mean that the world is running out of oil? Not exactly. Globally, it is thought that approximately half of all oil that was laid down in the earth has been extracted. We have currently used about 1Trillion barrels of the 2Trillion barrels that was the legacy from geological events of over 90million years ago.
So what’s the problem? If it has taken us 150 years to burn the first Trillion barrels, we have plenty left for at least a couple of generations- right?
It is true that there is still a lot of oil left. The problem is really that we are running out of cheap oil. We have used the easily accessible, high grade stuff first and both the quality and accessibility of the remaining oil is declining- fast. The light sweet oil that was near the surface has been largely exhausted , as have the more accessible oil fields. Oil companies are starting to look in ever-more inhospitable environments such as the Arctic , Antarctic and deep seas in the quest for more oil. Drilling in these locations presents extraordinary technical and other difficulties, and we can be sure they would not be there unless there was nowhere else to go.
So when is the world Oil Peak expected?
According to the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) world oil peak is likely to occur sometime between 2008 and 2010.
Transition (energy Descent) Awareness.
The term ‘descent’ is used as the least loaded word that honestly conveys the inevitable, radical reduction of material consumption and/or human numbers that will characterise the declining decades and centuries of fossil fuel abundance and availability.
It has been refined and promoted by subsequent authors to describe a period of contracting energy supply. This website defines energy descent as; >“the continual decline in net energy supporting humanity, a decline which mirrors the ascent in net energy that has taken place since the Industrial Revolution. It also refers to a future scenario in which humanity has successfully adapted to the declining net energy availability and has become more localised and self-reliant. It is a term favoured by people looking towards energy peak as an opportunity for positive change rather than an inevitable disaster.
Check the Website.

As always, there is lots more information on the website, and a chance to leave your feedback on the items raised in this month's newsletter.

See you at the Transition Meeting on the 2nd October!

Mark Jenkin

Turn Lyme Green.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Marine Theatre Marine Theatre Oct 2nd





OCT 2nd
7pm – 9pm

A video of Rob Hopkins
(Founder of the Transition Town network)
Donations on the door

Transition Town is about exploring local, positive and creative ways forward in a time of change.
more info call Fran Fleming on 01297