Dear Friends of Turn Lyme Green
A meeting full of new ideas was held on 8 July and the minutes are attached.
Please note the following dates for your diary and spread the word to your friends and family who you think would like to get involved with TLG events and would like to be kept informed of activities.
Wednesday 2nd September
Next meeting. Please note there will not be a meeting on 12th August (the second Wednesday of the month). With the holidays, it was thought better to wait until September to meet again. Planning for the September and October events is carrying on in the meantime, led by the two project groups - see below.
Saturday 12 September
GO PLASTIC BAG FREE DAY: Ian, Polly and Jacqui are putting together ideas for an event so Lyme Regis will be represented in this nation-wide campaign. At least 28 people will be needed to go on a rota during the day and we will be contacting all of you who have said they would be willing to help out..and probably others too! It is hoped that another sew-in will be held and, with banners about the town on the day, the plan is to remind resident and visitors how important it is to recyle bags and 'bring your bag' when shopping. We hope everyone will rally round and join in the fun.
FARM FOR THE FUTURE: A FILM. The Masonic Hall has been booked for that night to show Rebecca Hosking's film exploring permuculture. An evening not to be missed. Details to follow.
Saturday 24 October
Those at the last meeting were enthusiastic about joining in with the national and international events using a ‘350’ theme. (see – carbon/green house emissions). Hugh, Jacqui, Ian and Fran are forming the project group to make a memorable plan for the day. Watch this space for further news and ideas. Can something be planted 350 times? Can something be done 350 times? Can 350 be 'written' in stones on the beach? Can 350 people come together to form the number 350? Any ideas!!?? do come to the next meeting.
Town Council:
Polly was able to attend the Community Plan Policy Meeting of the Town Council to bring members up to date with TLG plans. There was a positive response to putting up our posters on Town Council bulletin boards and creating links from the web site to our own. All other issues are being followed up.
If you have any questions, do get in touch.
Best wishes for the coming weeks! We will be in touch with you soon to update you on the details of the September and October events.
April Cottage
West Hill Road
Lyme Regis Dorset DT7 3LW
tel/fax 01297 446066
TURN LYME GREEN Ban Plastic Bags